
Along the Ohio River...

Earlier this week I took a short trip to Newburgh Indiana, a charming little town along the river. Newburgh has several unique shopping venues. One of my favorites is The Heart of Newburgh, a small mostly primitive shop near the edge of town.
The shop has lots of vintage-y holiday decorations...and many of the items are actually produced there in the shop. I helped out there for a few years when I lived in Newburgh...and my main activity was filling old chocolate molds with squishy papier mache pulp.

Most of the items available are from outside vendors...the usual MidWest items, Bethany Lowe, Nicol Sayre, Dee Foust, and Salem.

Each and every nook and cranny is filled to capacity...it's almost hard to walk around and take everything in.

I'll post my latest purchases tomorrow after I place them in their new home.

1 comment:

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

That looks like a really cool store! All the pictures made me really want to be there! Looking forward to your next post!

Catching Up

  It's been awhile...as usual, not much going on.  As I look through photos on my phone, I decided to do a little blog post. Last Monday...